What is IIIF To Go?
IIIF To Go is a tool to run a fully functioning IIIF environment (server, database, viewer and more!) on your desktop. It enables anyone to use and create local IIIF materials.
Upload your own images, import IIIF images from elsewhere, display them in a Mirador image viewer, annotate, create exhibits and connect your work to a repository.
What can we use it for?
- Teaching - Students can interact with digital content
- Research - Work with images or manuscript collations
- Risk-free evaluation of IIIF - IIIF infrastructure planning

Ready to try it out?
Step 1.
Install VirtualBox to create a mini operating environment on your computer.
Step 2.
Install Vagrant to build maintain the IIIF software environment within VirtualBox.
Step 3.
Select one of the IIIF To Go options below to download and use. Follow the instructions under "Installation" in the download page.
Available Boxes
Omeka To Go
- Plugins: IIIF Toolkit, CSV Export Format, Bulk Uploader, Exhibits, Neatline
- Incorporate Mirador onto your Omeka website
- Annotate images on Mirador
- Bulk upload, import and store images, annotations and other IIIF items directly in Omeka
- Export IIIF items as CSV, omeka-json, omeka-xml, atom, dcmes-xml and rss2
- Create digital exhibits
VisCodex To Go
- Build collation diagrams from scratch
- Add metadata to diagrams
- Export diagrams to XML, JSON, and PNG
- Associate images to leaves in collation diagram
- Create IIIF resources from scratch or from any IIIF-compliant repositories
- Manage and share IIIF resources
- Supported IIIF resources include: collections, manifests, sequences, canvases, annotations, annotation lists, ranges, layers and content (image, text, video, audio, etc)
- Search for any metadata in any IIIF resources